Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Understand, therefore, that the Lord your God is indeed God. He is the faithful God who keeps his covenant for a thousand generations and lavishes his unfailing love on those who love him and obey his commands. Deuteronomy 7:9 NLT

Can I just say WOW?!!!! When I saw this verse last week on Bible Gateway as Verse of the Day, it jumped off the page at me and was so full, I thought. So I will break it down - briefly - so you'll know what I thought was so awesome. Here we go...

* The Lord your God: He is MY God. He loves me. He sent His son to die for me. He's preparing a place for me in heaven. He provides for me. He cares for me. He watches me. I could go on and on but HE IS MY GOD!! I am very thankful.

* Your God is indeed God: It's true. I worship the one true, living God. He's been God since before the beginning of time, and He will always be.

* He is the faithful God: God is always faithful. He never lets me down. I may not always understand His ways because His ways are not my ways but He's never gone back on His word. The Bible is full of His promises and He has kept every single one of them.

* He keeps His covenant for a thousand generations: I just said He's never lied but He will always keep His covenant...for a thousand generations? Longer than I can count, for sure.

* Lavishes His unfailing love on those who love Him: I am very loved. I remember after I'd been divorced many years ago, I knew God would help me through it but I also remember thinking "Lord, I hope it's soon." I did get through it and saw Him work in my life in amazing ways. Over. And over. And over. I've been happily married and blessed to have Terry in my life for over 10 years. Oh yeah! God is good to me, even though I am very undeserving.

* On those who love Him and obey His commandments: Some people only want to talk about God being a loving God and He is. His love is unconditional, no matter what I've done. His love is available but His forgiveness is not automatic. There is a stipulation. We have to love Him and obey His commandments as the verse says. My mother told me recently about a lady she knows who says she doesn't believe God will send her teenage grandchildren to hell. I'm sorry but she obviously has not read the Bible because His word is clear. There is life eternal in heaven if you've trusted Jesus as your savior and asked Him to forgive your sins. There is also life eternal in hell because you've rejected Him and not accepted His gift of love and forgiveness.

Life eternal in heaven is for everyone but not everyone accepts. The choice is our's. What decision are you going with? The decision to give God control of your life or the decision to keep control? Oh, my friend...give God control. Let Him come into your life. Life will have hope, purpose and contentment. It is so worth it, and I am so grateful for His love.

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