Sunday, our SS lesson was on Mark 13. This chapter in Mark is known as The Olivet Discourse because Jesus was on the Mt. of Olives. I have been in church all my life, and I cannot remember ever having heard that term. Where have I been, I wonder??? Oh well...
Karen Farah taught the lesson, which offered several challenges; the main one being about The Tribulation. There are different opinions in "the church" whether we as Christians will have to experience the tribulation or whether we will be raptured out before it starts. Some believe, we will experience the first 3 1/2 years but will be taken out before the really bad stuff happens.
Chapter 13 is broken into six sections. It's quite the reading material. Here are the headings:
* Jesus Predicts the Destruction of the Temple
* The Signs of the Times and the End of the Age
* The Great Tribulation
* The Coming of the Son of Man
* The Parable of the Fig Tree
* No One Knows the Day or Hour
Karen was good to not disclose her opinion on what she thought about the Tribulation for us Christians. She challenged us to get in our Bibles, read commentaries, do a Google search, etc. and find out for ourselves what God's word says and ask God to show us what the truth is. We have no way of knowing what God's plans are completely on the matter but we should always be in God's word searching for ourselves and not sitting by, listening to what everyone else is saying without measuring it up to God's word and knowing what we believe. That should always be the case. Do some research...what does the Bible say about it? It's not always black and white but ask God to give you understanding and to show you what is true so you'll know what to process and what to throw out when you hear other's opinions.
Jesus gave three warnings: Take heed so you are not deceived (13:5 & 23); Do not quit (13:9); Watch and pray (13:33).
So what DO YOU believe about the Tribulation: Pre, Mid or Post? Be prepared to explain why when you decide. You can read Mark 13 HERE at
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